Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Winner List of KRI Bali 10 August 2008

(Shown in the pict: Mr.Herr Rafet Hadzig (the judge), Mr.Hoktan, Mr.Eddy,Mrs.Fenny,Mr.Suheri and Mr.Aping)

List of the winners in KRI (Club Rottweiler Indonesia) Bali - 10 August 2008

Anakan A Betina ;
Juara I Elfi von Skr
Juara II Emma von Skr

Anakan A Jantan ;
Juara I Euro von Skr
Anakan B Betina ;
Juara I Zara von Rexindo
Juara II Dalara von Skr
Juara III Ussy von Calista

Anakan B Jantan ;
Juara I Bonny von Haus Martel
Juara II Dark von Skr
Juara III Djuke von Skr

Anakan C Betina ;
Juara I Chika von Meuku
Anakan C Jantan ;
Juara I Stern von Himalaya

Best Puppy Betina Zara von Rexindo
Best Puppy Jantan Stern von Himalaya

Remaja Betina ;
Juara I Ratu von Rexindo
Juara II Reza von Rexindo
Juara III Chily von Skr
Juara IV Angie von Arlando
Remaja Jantan ;
Juara I Gorden vom Weissen Schwan
Juara II Chan von Skr
Juara III Rex II von Skr
Juara IV Condor von Skr

Madya Betina ;
Juara I Hanaya von Huas Bobo
Juara II Auri von Skr
Madya Jantan ;
Juara I Austri von Skr
Juara II Aussie von Skr

Best Futurity Umum Betina; Hanaya von Haus of Bobo
Best Futurity Umum Jantan; Gorden vom Weissen Schwan

Best Futurity Lokal Betina; Hanaya von Haus of Bobo
Best Futurity Lokal Jantan ; Austri von Skr

Dewasa Betina ;
Juara I Face von Grossental
Juara II Aida via Imperatorius
Juara III Akira od Vadanora
Dewasa Jantan ;
Juara I Den Donitz Karl von Diebtal
Juara II Dorner Herman von Diebtal
Juara III Vico Haus of Lazic
Juara IV Greif von St.Niclas

Pekerja Jantan ;
Juara I Muck Rottweiler Bomber from Arsic

Champion Betina ;
Juara I Engel von Berega Turi
Juara II Arabela of Black Lion
Champion Jantan ;
Juara I Pit vom Bonzistar
Juara II Wico Naomi’s Star
Juara III Musa vom Bonzistar

Best of Breed Umum Pit vom Bonzistar
R- BOB Umum Wico Naomi’s Star
BOS Face von Grossental

Best of Breed Lokal Hanaya von Haus of Bobo
R-BOB Austri von Skr
BOS Austri von Skr

PS: All the dogs with von SKR title are our dogs, include Engel von Berega Turi

Monday, August 11, 2008

Golden Trip's Spirit Of Rock (Ringgo)

One of our others Male's Golden Retriver Collection is Golden Trip's Spirit Of Rock or we called him "Ringgo". He's a young dog import from Brazil, and he just finish his champion couple months ago when he went to PERKIN Surabaya Dog's Show in Wiyung.

KRI (Indonesian Rottweiler Club) show in Trawas - Surabaya

KRI.Ina.ChMuza Von Bonzistar and KRI.Ch.Xindi Weinerebbe with the judge, owner and supporters after won in
KRI (Indonesian Rottweiler Club) Show in Trawas - Surabaya

Dinner Meeting with the JUDGE before the show for KRI (Indonesian Rottweiler Club) in Trawas - Surabaya. We are with the Orange's T-Shirt.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Muza Von Bonzistar in article from Metropolis News Paper

It's article from Metropolis News Paper.
It says that Muza Von Bonzistar is the Champion of Rottweiler...

PERKIN Surabaya Back to Back and All Breed Dog Shows in 30-31 August 2008

PERKIN (Indonesian Dogs Club) Surabaya - east java will held a Back to Back and All breed dog shows on:

Date: 30 and 31 August 2008
Venue: Multi Function Hall SIBEC, ITC Surabaya Megagrosir, Top Roof floor. Jln. Gembong No.20-30, Surabaya


Mr. John Lijffijt (Belanda)
Mr. Petru Muntean (Romania)
Mrs. Ladawan Chothithada (Thailand)
Mr. Emiliano A. Valdes (Philipina)
Mr. Sugiarto Tandjung (Indonesia)
Juri KAB (Indonesia)

KRI.Ina.Ch Muza von Bonzistar with the throphy of the best male of the year in KRI (Indonesian Rottweiler Club)

KRI.Ina.Ch.Muza von Bonzistar with the owner and supporters when recieved the throphy of KRI Best Male of the year in 2007.

KRI National Dog Show for 2008 at Bandung in 15 June 2008

"KRI.Ina.Ch.Muza von Bonzistar"

Mr.Kiki and Muza

"Auri Von SKR with Mr Kiki"

"Fenny,Chenny and Mr.Eddy Limbono"

KRI (Club Rottweiler Indonesia) National Dog show for 2008

at Villa Lembang Asri-Bandung in 15 June 2008

Judge: MR. Herr Dieter Hoffman (ADRK,Germany)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Perkin (Indonesian Dogs Club) Dog show in Wiyung - Surabaya

"Articles and Photos from G-Pet Magazine"

Braz.Ina.Ch.Forever's Yours Of Golden Spirit (Tobby)

Beside Rottweiler's breed, we also a fans of a breed called 'Golden Retriver", with it's beauty makes us impressed and build a pasion to know more about this breed.

Here is one of our Champion male dogs named "Braz.Ina.Ch.Forever Yours Of Golden Spirit" or we called him "Tobby".

He is a import dog from Brazil with a background :

Sire : Golden Trip Life's A Beach.
Dam : Golden Trip's Victory Never Ends

KRI.Ina.Ch Muza von Bonzistar at PERKIN (Indonesian Dogs Club) dog's show in Semarang

KRI.Ina.Ch.Muza von Bonzistar won the BOB at PERKIN (Indonesian Dogs Club) dog's show in Semarang.

KRI.Ina.Ch Muza von Bonzistar won the best male of the year in KRI (Indonesian Rottweiler Club)

Our rottweiler champion, "KRI.Ina.Ch.Muza von Bonzistar" won the best male of the year for 2007 in

KRI (Indonesian Rottweiler Club) with his friend from the same kennel in Serbia named

"Pit von Bonzistar" (Mr.Eko Prijono as the owner)
It shows from the picture, Mr.Eddy Limbono (right) with Muza von Bonzistar and Mr.Eko Prijono (left) with Pit von Bonzistar, when they recieved the throphy at KRI Bandung Dog Show.

Our male champion rottweiler "Musa von Bonzistar"

Let me introduce one of our "Champion", Male Rottweiler named "Muza Von Bonzistar"

it's a import dog from Serbia. He already won a lot in Indonesian Dog Show Include KRI (Indonesian Rottweiler Club).

Now he is Indonesian Champion and KRI Champion.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Big Thanks to GOD, finally we built up our kennel is built in the early of 2008 in Batu Riti - Bedugul Bali.

The owner of this Kennel is Mr.Eddy Limbono, he and his family are dog lovers.
with having over hundreds dogs in most of popular breeds like Rottweiler, Golden Retriver, Siberian Husky, Samoyed, Labrador Retriver, and many more.

Mr.Eddy Limbono is started to go for dogs shows in this last 3 years,
with 2 Import Rottweilers champions,named In Memory - Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia Indonesia Champion Kongo Von Bosnia (KONGO) and In Memory - Young Ch.YU.Lucky Boy (BOY). He is not stop with only those two dogs that passed away already.
By helping from Mr.Suheri Hiustra (Rottweiler's Expert in Indonesia), he imported a dog named KRI.Ina.Ch.Muza Von Bonzistar from Serbia.

From there, he started to always join with a lot of dogs shows in Indonesia.

But, we are not only focusing on Rottweilers but we also have Golden Retrivers for shows.

Started with 1 Local Indonesian Champion and 1 Import Golden Retrivers, we began our journey in Golden Retriver's dogs shows.

We are planning to breed our dogs and wish to produce a lot of good champion dogs.