Sunday, October 12, 2008

KRI Dog show on 19 October 2008 in Semarang

KRI (Club Rottweiler Indonesia) in Semarang will have a dog show special for Rottweiler on:

Date: Sunday, 19 October 2008
Time: 08.00 am - finish
Venue: BRIMOBDA JATENG , Jln Anton Soedjarwo 218 Srondol
Judge: Ramune Kazlauskaite from Lithuania

Anakan A Rp.200,000,-/ekor
Anakan B dan seterusnya: Rp.250,000,-/ekor
Diskon 10% untuk anggota KRI.

Our advertisement for KRI dog show in semarang this 19-oct-08

This is our advertisement for KRI (Rottweiler Indonesia Club) show in Semarang this 19 oct 08

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our Dog's everyday activities...

This is what our dogs are doing everyday, they are practicing in swimming and running.

Pictures are taken in our kennel - Bali.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Puppies of Toby and Akiko

( The female 1, only one male, female 2)

(The Female 1)

(The Female 2)

Those are some of the puppies from 6 puppies (5 Females and 1 male)

Sire:Braz.Ina.Ch.Forever Yours of Golden Spirit (Toby)

Dam: Akiko

ps:Pictures taken when they were 3 weeks old

PERKIN Bandung Multitrah Back to Back and All Breed dog shows 15-16 November 2008

This 15 and 16 November 2008, PERKIN (Indonesian dogs club) together with GRCI (Golden Retriver Indonesian Club) held multitrah indoor full Air Con back to back and all breed dog shows in West Java (Bandung)

Date: 15-16 November 2008
Venue: IPTN Hall B
Judges: 1. Keven Harris from Australia
2. Susette Monk from Australia
3. Anja Boonnemer from Holland
4. Jan Liet from Holland
5. Michael Faulkner from USA